Version 1.31
- New additions
- Suture size conversion
- Bug fixes
- Correct issue in dose calculator
Version 1.30
- New additions
- New species added to calculator (alpaca, cattle, chicken, goat, horse, pig, sheep)
- New pre-entered drugs added (100+)
- Users can now add/delete drugs
- Other changes
- Ability for dose calculator to use pre-defined drugs for values
- Horse option added to emergency calculator
- Acid-base calculator algorithm improved
- Calculator now takes user defined values (see preferences) and is species specific
- Bicarbonate calculator now uses species specific bicarbonate value (see preferences)
- Basic and comprehensive fluid calculator provide more accurate outputs
- Body surfaces areas are now fully referenced
- Bug fixes
- Correct issue where non ‘.’ decimal places are where not correctly handled since iOS 11 update causing number to be incorrectly calculated/not counted
- Corrected issue in drop counter where initial value was incorrect
- Corrected some values in electrocardiography calculator that were not being properly localised
- Preference for defibrillator now has text the corrected
- Number of grammatical corrections
Version 1.20
- New calculators
- Mean arterial pressure
- Giving set drip counter
- iOS9 compatibility
- Other changes
- Graphics updated
- Improved support for higher resolution screens
- Improved screen orientation support especially on larger screens
- New icon for fluid section
- Bug fixes
- Fixed crash for ‘beat counter’ in iOS 9
- Fixed calculations involving not ‘.’ decimal places (better locale support)
- Fixed ‘A-a gradient’ calculator
Version 1.10
- New calculators
- Heart beat counter
- Free water deficit
- Bicarbonate deficit
- Coma score
- Improved sharing options as now shares text making accessible to messages etc.
- iOS 7 compatibility & UI updated to match iOS 7
- Scrolling and icon layout on main screen modified
- Some icons changed to match iOS7 styling
- Other changes
- ‘Drug’ changed to ‘dose’ in pharmacy section
- ‘Select’ changed to ‘drug’ in CRI calculator
- Font size for references decreased
- New icon for fluid section
- Bug fixes
- Age calculator no longer shows ‘future date’ error in certain instances when a date in the past is chosen
- Saved results now deselect once pressed
- Species are capitalised for temp. calculator results
Version 1.00
Initial Release for iOS